Maternal Health
With the Benefit Fund’s free and confidential Prenatal Program, you’ll learn about the habits that lead to a healthier pregnancy. The Prenatal Program will also help you work with your doctor to make sure you’re getting the best care during your pregnancy.
Ask the OBGYN Expert: Journey to Parenthood
Ask the OBGYN Expert: Journey to Parenthood In this webinar, led by Dr. Dawnette Lewis, Director for Center of Maternal Health and Maternal Fetal Medicine, Northwell Health, you’ll learn about healthy behaviors to consider before and during your pregnancy, how to...
Ask the Expert: Nutrition & Breastfeeding
Ask the Expert: Nutrition and Breastfeeding In this webinar, led by Mount Sinai Breastfeeding Coordinator and Nutritionist, Natalie Bannister, you’ll learn about how to nourish yourself and your baby—from formula to breast milk, plus nursing positions, milk supply and...
Ask the Expert: Know Your Benefits, Know Your Rights
Ask the Expert: Know Your Benefits/Know Your Rights In this video, our Outreach Coordinator explains what you need to know about your prenatal benefits—including information about doulas, lactation consultants, breast pumps and more. You’ll also find out about your...
Planificando Su Embarazo: Elementos Básicos del Plan
Planificando Su Embarazo: Elementos Básicos del Plan Aprenda lo que necesita saber para proteger su salud y planificar un embarazo saludable en este video.
Preconception Care: Demystifying Conception
Preconception Care: Demystifying Conception Learn what you need to know to protect your health and plan for a healthy pregnancy, in this video.
Motherhood: Self-Care & Restoration
Motherhood: Self-Care & RestorationGet the facts about proper nutrition and exercise during your pregnancy. Plus: learn how to stay mentally strong and pick up some tips for after your baby is born.
Maternidad: Cuidados Personales y Restauración
Maternidad: Cuidados Personales y RestauraciónInfórmese sobre nutrición, salud mental, ejercicio durante el embarazo y aspectos básicos del posparto.
Caring for You and Baby
Caring for You and BabyWhat is the “fourth trimester?” Find out while you learn how to care for yourself and your new baby after delivery and during your postpartum period.
El Cuidado de su bebé y de usted
El Cuidado de su bebé y de ustedInfórmate sobre el cuarto trimestre y sobre cómo cuidar de ti y de tu bebé después del parto y durante el periodo de posparto.
Birthing Baby and Beyond
Birthing Baby and BeyondLearn what to expect when labor and delivery begin, as well as what it means to advocate for yourself and how to do it.
El nacimiento del bebé y más
El nacimiento del bebé y másObtenga información sobre el proceso del parto y el parto, así como sobre cómo defenderse.
Cómo planificar un embarazo saludable
Cómo planificar un embarazo saludableAprenda qué esperar y cómo prepararse para el parto, así como a cuidar de su bebé después del nacimiento.
Planning a Healthy Pregnancy
Planning a Healthy PregnancyFind out what to anticipate and how you should prepare for your baby’s delivery. Plus, learn how to take care of your new bundle of joy.
Wellness MAP Prenatal Series: Am I In Labor?
Wellness MAP Prenatal Series: Am I In Labor?Learn what the signs of labor can be, so you’ll be ready when it happens.
Maternal Depression: An Overview
Maternal Depression: An OverviewDo you know what maternal depression is? Get the answer and find out about the conditions and symptoms it may bring.
Postpartum Psychosis and Symptoms
Postpartum Psychosis and SymptomsFind out what the signs of postpartum psychosis are and what you should watch out for so you can avoid it.
Baby Blues and Symptoms
Baby Blues and SymptomsLearn what it means to have the “baby blues” and how to recognize some of its symptoms.
Postpartum Depression and Symptoms
Postpartum Depression and SymptomsFind out about postpartum depression and what warning signs of the condition can be.
Preparing for Childbirth Part 1
Preparing for Childbirth Part 1 Learn how to prepare for childbirth and what you can expect during labor.
Preparing for Childbirth Part 2
Preparing for Childbirth Part 2 Continue to prepare for childbirth and find out about the different stages of labor.
Pregnancy 101 Part 1
Pregnancy 101 Part 1 Get the basics about what you’ll experience during your pregnancy.
Pregnancy 101 Part 2
Pregnancy 101 Part 2 Learn the basics about what you’ll experience during your delivery.
Preparing for Childbirth
Preparing for Childbirth Find out the essential facts of childbirth.
Additional Resources